The shocking news came from Vamos Calrsberg futsal team. This Mataram team will not renew his foreign players from Brazil, Bruninho Hossales.
Bruni left the Vamos related policies the Indonesia Association of Sepatu Futsal does not allow foreign players to perform at the Futsal League Indonesia, if the players don't have the stamp of the national team.
Earlier, a 28-year-old man failed to appear at the Futsal Super League last season. He felt disappointed that can't play and join Dartheritage Reza dkk.
With this decision, Bruni any farewell. "I am very grateful to all the coaches, my peers in Vamos FC, especially to the President of the Club and his family have receivedme as a new Member of the family," wrote Bruni official account via Instagram hers,not long ago.
In the lansir of the official account Instagram Vamos Carlsberg Mataram, Damas Educates Kurniawan became rekrutan later squads coach Bonsu Hasibuan.
Damas was a legendary goalkeeper, will be in the plot to replace the position of Maegel Nustelu after his or her self, she moved to FC Libido.
Former goalkeeper Pinky Boys, never brought his team to grab the runner-up on the Futsal Super League in June and then make team Makassar was conquered by theIPC Pelindo match final, GOR STTD, Cibitung, Bekasi Regency.
Thus, the ability of the Competition no doubt with a myriad of experiences during the defense of Pinky Boys.
The list of the 30 participants who apply, only the two goalie chosen i.e. Dimas Kevin and Damas. Officially, born in Kebumen that will be on the contract by Vamos for one year in the future.
While the Dimas as young goalie will follow the trial at a Training Center in Bandung.
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Title Mini Futsal Tournament in Indonesia has recently become its own test for FC Pingdus. Because of this, the original Surabaya team must improve the mental factorafter only ranked into three four-team championship standings it.
Team captain of FC Pingdus Ivan Cahyadi rate, mental be homework must be addressed his colleagues. Ivan tells the story, his team often kecolongan goals in the finalminutes of the match despite playing well in the early rounds.
"Mentally it still has to be trained. We often kecolongan at the end of the second half. Though it's been playing well since the first round, "said Ivan to Futsal Zone, Monday (2/11).
But, Ivan is not worried. According to him, the mental Pingdus FC with a myriad of young players will be getting better if often follow the Championship-Championship.Ivan was also quite pleased with the performance of his team during the Mini Tournament in progress.
"Especially if the team is looking at how to apply the material given coach Victor Herman," said Ice, greeting Ivan. Coach Victor Thailand national team coach is a coaching clinic to give FC Pingdus before the Mini Tournament.
In addition to the mental, the Ice also former retainer Tifosi Bhaskara Surabaya said,homework FC Pingdus other is consistency.
As is known, F.C. Pingdus failing to take the title in a Mini Tournament in 2015 in Bandung. Team coach Andri Irawan entrenched within three with 6 points after losing the goal difference and head to head from FC Libido and Futsalogy National All Star.
At the Championship which lasted three days, FC Libido came out as champions. Meanwhile, Futsalogy is ranked two.